Sep 7Liked by Ronke Babajide

So true & so very, very sad. I’ve met many women who are so incredibly intelligent that I could only dream of being like them. Fortunately, they have not made me feel inferior.

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You're part of the problem, Ed.

Go talk to the men instead of butting into conversations women try to have online. You guys literally could not stop interrupting if your lives depended on it.

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Sep 15Liked by Ronke Babajide

An interesting reaction to my positive feedback.

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Don't mind her, she has issues that have nothing to do with you. 🤷‍♀️

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Thanks 😊.

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I work in tech and have started calling out this BS and encouraging my fellow women colleagues to do so too. I’ve noticed my husband also does this to me- he hasn’t even registered what I’ve said! Every time he does it I ask if he needs to manspread more while he repeats my exact words. I’m gonna hammer it into his brain eventually!

Rock on! Thank you for this.💕

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Been married 28 years, it’s not like this is new (and to be fair, I also miss a lot of what he says). But I notice this more now that I’m older, so am calling him on it. We’re both products of our eras (70s, 80s) and all that entrenched fuckery about roles, so it’s not like it’s out of the blue. We both work on being better humans- this single thing isn’t enough to blow up a relationship with my favourite person in the world. Add a jokey spin to my last sentence of my original comment…the message gets across.💕

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How can you be married to someone who literally does not listen to what you say?

How does this work?

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This sounds like a strangely Hollywood view of the world of work - that it is all about meetings and brainstormign ideas. It is totally not my experience.

Our boss would not bother to ask us for ideas where I work, because he knows we don't give a flying fuck. I am not the business owner, why would I care about making someone else richer? I do what I am told and get a paycheck.

Besides the boss should know better, that is why they are the boss.

Do you mean the voice literally or figuratively? We don't call customers, that is pointless, if there is no text trail the customer can just lie about it any time? We send emails. Do men also not read your emails?

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